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Thursday, July 5, 2012

If a tree stands in the forest

Otway ash
Erect mountain pole
Topped and cosied by
a crocheted limey hat.

A seemingly screaming rip from high
An eeling strip of bark headlong tail trailing
falls      …..    silence waits
It snags, now drapes
Otway tree is off the shoulder trimmed by a peasant shawl

Otway ash
Majestic mountain pole
Aquaduct rooted 
is to all seasons enthralled.

A puddled path twists past.
Fluoro scare-signs
alert humans to CATASTROPHE!
Snakes leap, stick figures trip off cliffs
and falling rocks smash heads

Otway pole
Tea cosied
Shawl wrapped
is home to Powerful Owls.

Archaic nature has made scenery
Shy mushrooms suckle
a lichen padded branch
Sneaky crevices surrender to a shifty shard of light.
These shoes leak
A fern frond shivers, drips
expires a mouldy sigh

Erect ash pole
is inured to time and reason
in a place where

person presence is pointlessly prosaic
The forest is still, unadorned
                        and no sounds exist but for ears.

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